Registration Options
If you are currently practicing under supervision (not able to practice independently)/have a provisional mental health license, you may register with the option below. We will require verification of provisional status.
If you are a current pre-licensed student actively enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral program or are retaking the course, please register using the option below. We will require verification of student status, or the date of the training/trainer name for Phase 1 if you are retaking the course.
Training will be held from 9am-6 pm all three days in the Central Daylight Time (CDT) Zone. The training is available to all who can attend live.
-Early Bird ($745)-ends June 30th
-Standard ($795)-July 1st-July 28th
-Late ($845)- July 29th-August 4th
*Late registrants may not receive all materials in time, however, easy alternatives can be used for practicums
If you need a payment plan, please contact us to make arrangements.
- The training will be held in English with Zoom closed captioning enabled.
- Please log in using a desktop or laptop computer whenever possible. Tablets and phones do not provide the best Zoom training experience.
- Please ensure you are in a private space for the duration of the training, especially for experiential components.
- Plan to attend all 3 days of the training and avoid scheduling other activities during the training times.
We will be taking attendance and only those present for the ENTIRE training will receive a Phase 2 certificate of completion. Let the trainers know if you have any issues.
Mariya Javed-Payne, MSW, LICSW, LADC
Mariya Javed-Payne is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Certified Brainspotting Trainer and Consultant, and a Minnesota Board Approved Supervisor. She is currently the owner of Awaken Consulting Services, a private practice and the co-owner of Institute for Integrative Therapies, a psychedelic assisted therapy and integrative medicine clinic. She has a history of serving as the Director of Behavioral Health at a federally qualified health center and has led teams of therapists, psychiatrists, and social workers to provide trauma-responsive, anti-oppressive counseling and addiction therapies for the last 6 years. She also offers therapy intensives for complex PTSD and addictions, as well as consulting services on the topics of race, addictions, and trauma at Awaken Consulting Services. Most recently, she has begun utilizing psychedelic medicines such as ketamine to help people heal from trauma and other mental health concerns. Her 13 years of experience have focused on clients with addictions, medication assisted treatment therapies, complex and developmental trauma, racial trauma, oppression, and chronic pain.
Brainspotting is a powerful, focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation and a variety of challenging symptoms. Brainspotting is a simultaneous form of diagnosis and treatment, enhanced with BioLateral sound, which is deep, direct, powerful yet focused and containing. Trainings are 9 am to 6 pm CDT each day and count for 21 CE’s.
Brainspotting identifies activated eye positions designated as Brainspots. Located through either one or both eyes, Brainspots are observed from either the “Inside Window” of the clients felt sense and/or the “Outside Window” of the clients’ reflexive responses (i.e., blink, eye twitches or wobbles, pupil dilation, quick breaths and subtle body shifts). Students will first learn the phenomenological approach that underpins strategies for Brainspotting, followed by strategies for identifying and processing Brainspots. Attention will be given to the utilization and integration of Brainspotting into ongoing treatment, including highly dissociative clients.
Brainspotting is adaptable to almost all areas of specialization. Brainspotting provides therapists with powerful tools to enable their patients to quickly and effectively process through the deep brain sources of many held traumas, emotional, somatic and performance problems.
In this 3-day intermediate training, participants will:
-be given a review of the four basic Brainspotting techniques learned in the Brainspotting Phase 1 training. -Acquire basic mastery of five more advanced Brainspotting techniques.
This live Zoom training will be facilitated with didactic lecture, PowerPoint, handouts, role playing, dyad practice, and live demonstrations. Live attendance with camera access, sound, and a private space is required.
***This training is approved by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC and meets the Brainspotting Phase 2 requirement for Brainspotting certification. Learn more about the certification process here.
To support integration of the material, two optional consultation groups will be offered after the training on the following dates:
Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023
10-11am CDT
Tuesday, September 5th, 2023
2-3pm CDT
Psychologists, social workers, counselors, coaches, healing professionals with strong clinical backgrounds, current students, and interns
Participants of this intermediate level course participants will be able to:
Summarize the research on client-therapist attunement in in-person and online psychotherapy sessions.
Set and utilize the dual attunement frame.
Explain the way in which bilateral auditory stimulation may enhance processing during brainspotting.
Explain the role of the allocortex and the agranular isocortex in brainspotting.
Describe the oculocardio reflex and its relationship to the vagus nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Demonstrate a basic mastery of the z-axis and vergence therapy techniques.
Explain how the one-eye brainspotting technique can focus and enhance processing of trauma-related experiences.
Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the one-eye brainspotting technique.
Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the rolling brainspotting technique.
Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the advanced outside window brainspotting technique.
Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the advanced resource model of brainspotting.
Demonstrate a basic mastery of the combined inside-outside brainspotting technique.
Demonstrate a basic mastery of the second level advanced resource model of brainspotting.
Assess how specific advanced brainspotting techniques can be used for complex PTSD and other trauma related conditions.
Licensing Boards change regulations often; at this time, some boards are not providing CEUs for somatic based therapies such as Brainspotting, Somatic Experiencing, etc. We encourage you to follow your state board’s guidelines, see what reporting requirements they have, and to ask them directly about this course meeting your specific board’s approval.
A certificate for 21 clock hours at the end of the training will be provided to document attendance and completion which can be submitted for CEUs, as your state guidelines allow.
We will provide you with a full refund if you cancel up to 14 days before the event (less $75 administrative fee per ticket purchased.) We do not offer partial refunds if you are unable to attend the entire training. However, we know that life situations arise, so please contact us if you have a special circumstance.