Remembering Ourselves

Recently I’ve been contemplating Brainspotting therapy as a form of remembering. I believe all healing is remembering who we really are. As we look out onto that point in our visual field (the brainspot or eye position), we simultaneously are looking within. As clinicians and healers, we teach our clients to bear witness to the stories held in their bodies by giving them the experience of complete acceptance, attunement, and understanding with our own watchful gaze. Previously constricted and outworn belief systems, emotions, and body tensions begin to unfurl as clients are held lovingly, perhaps for the first time in their entire lives. Brainspotting centers and tends to these conditions required for metamorphosis.

Healing is an act of creativity. Our brains, bodies, and spirits are constantly in an act of creation, just like life itself. Pause for a moment… Consider the near-infinite number of processes occurring right now in your body- most of them beyond your conscious awareness. How miraculous and aweinspiring is this?

This is why we create space to remember and to trust in the innate healing capacity as Brainspotting practitioners. We honor the storykeeper that is the body and we guide the brain, our storyteller, to write a new tale as the body unburdens and releases in an act of creativity and healing-what it’s best at. We learn to raise our awareness to the true language sought by our deepest selves- attunement, witnessing, compassion, and acceptance. We practice embodying it for ourselves and for those we serve. The depth and breadth of Brainspotting makes it a powerful process for settling in and being at home within ourselves.

So, let’s gaze ourselves and our clients into remembering who we really are. Into coming home.

With all the splintering and polarizing happening in the world, it’s more relevant now than ever to bridge mind and body and spirit together. I have seen how Brainspotting accelerates this reconnection process in my clients and in myself in a holistic and empowering way. If you’re still thinking about learning with us, take a look at our offerings below. And for those of you already in the Brainspotting community, we have a few spots in our upcoming Mexico Brainspotting intensive retreat for a chance to go deeper with your practice and focus on self-healing this fall!

With warmth,



Dreaming a New Dream